Tuesday, February 6, 2024

Plan Your Dream Golf Trip with Friends: Step 3

Plan Your Dream Golf Trip with Friends: The Final Touches

Ready to hit the green with your buddies for an unforgettable golf getaway? Forget pre-packaged tours and craft your own epic adventure! This is the final article in our four-part series, guiding you through every step to orchestrate a yearly tradition your friends will crave (just like mine have for 19 years!).

With one month to go, you've rallied the troops, secured dates, booked lodging and courses, and prepped the essentials. Now, let's polish the final details for a seamless, fun-filled trip.


  • Luggage Logistics: Factor in clubs and suitcases. Plan on a full-sized car for every three people (think minivans/SUVs with additional cars). Coordinate rentals ahead, but remember you can only drive one. Delegate who secures the remaining vehicles through your group, leveraging potential discounts.


  • Rainy Day Blues? No Problem! Prepare for downtime with movies, card games, or videos. Delegate movie selection to a volunteer for crowd-pleasing picks like "Gladiator" or "Miracle." For extreme weather, consider bowling, movies, or local tours.

Checklist Champion:

  • Silence the "Where are we playing?" Chorus: Create laminated checklists with daily schedules, tee times, course contact info, departure times (based on maps and breaks), meal menus, and "sandwich order sheets" for self-prepared lunches. Rotate "chef" duties nightly.
  • Scoreboard Savvy: Track your game! Keep a scorecard to crown the stroke leader and fuel friendly bets. Record it online for bragging rights.
  • Expense Expert: Simplify finances by paying for most things and collecting individual shares on the final night. Use a spreadsheet for accuracy. Remember, meticulous tracking avoids complaints and earns praise.

Bonus Buddy Essentials:

  • Pack these lifesavers: Extra decks of cards, poker chips, cribbage boards, screwdriver/pliers, pens/pencils/markers, pain relievers, band-aids, and a travel game.

Arrival Day:

  • Room Roulette: Avoid squabbles over sleeping quarters with a quick "draw from the hat" to assign rooms fairly. For future trips, implement a seniority system based on missed years.
  • Grocery Grab: Utilize the pre-made shopping list from the previous article and enlist volunteers to stock up on provisions.

The Takeaway:

These are just my recommendations, honed over 19 years of successful golf getaways with friends. Give it a try! Sure, the first year might not be flawless, but it'll likely surpass any packaged trip. So grab your clubs, gather your buddies, and embark on an unforgettable golfing adventure!

Remember, the best part is the company. Relax, have fun, and create memories that'll last a lifetime!

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